For the complete list see Vitae.

  • Santesteban, M., Zawiszewski, A. & Hatzidaki, A. (2020). ERP indexes of number attraction and word order during correct verb agreement production. Brain and Language.
  • Zawiszewski, A. & Laka, I. (2020). Bilinguals processing noun morphology: Evidence for the Language Distance Hypothesis from Event-Related Potentials. Journal of Neurolinguistics 55.
  • Egusquiza, N., Erdocia, K. & Zawiszewski, A. (2019). Coreference and antecedent frequency effects in Spanish: An eye-tracking study. Itziar Laka (Arg.) Hitzak Sarean, EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 65-82.
  • Martinez de la Hidalga, G.; Zawiszewski, A.; Laka, I. (2019). Eppur non si muove: experimental evidence for the Unaccusative Hypothesis and distinct ΙΈ-feature processing in Basque. Glossa: a Journal of General Linguistics, 4(1), 120.
  • Stepanov, A.; Andreetta, S.; Stateva, P.; Zawiszewski, A.; Laka, I. (2019). Anomaly detection in processing of complex syntax by early L2 learners. Second Language Research, pp. 1-27.
  • Santesteban, M., Zawiszewski, A., Erdocia, K. & Laka, I. (2017). On the Nature of Clitics and Their Sensitivity to Number Attraction Effects. Frontiers in Psychology,8:1470, 1-21.
  • Zawiszewski, A. (2017). Processing ergativity: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. In J. Coon, D. Massam, L. Travis, (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Ergativity. Oxford University Press, 693 -708.
  • Egusquiza, N., Navarrete, E. and Zawiszewski, A. (2016). Antecedent frequency effects on anaphoric pronoun resolution: Evidence from Spanish. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 45, 71-84.
  • Zawiszewski, A., Santesteban, M., Laka, I. (2016). Phi-features reloaded: An ERP study on person and number agreement processing. Applied Psycholinguistics 37, 601-626.